Iran in Transition – Photo Journal
Visit to Iran April 15 – 24, 2014
Iran is a country with a deep history and exceptional beauty. These photographs speak to the natural beauty but also to the courage, defiance and creativity of its people. The majority of Iranians are no more enthused about religious fundamentalism than we would be and the pictures depict that creative defiance. Blog Post #37 describes the written and longer version of this story.
- Milad Tower in Tehran – sixth highest in the world.
- Mountains add to the beauty of Tehran.
- Iranians are in love with their cars and are candidates for worst drivers in the world. Pedestrians are considered valid targets.
- Tehran – a modern metropolis of 14,000,000.
- Parks are filled with a mix of people, families and couples.
- Picnic in the park.
- Iran has many incredible parks and gardens.
- Students in a park – could be anywhere in the world.
- Intimacy and mobile phone are both universal.
- Chess is a big deal – even a museum dedicated to the game.
- Young moderns.
- Friendly seniors who shared their snacks with us and wanted to be photographed.
- Youth wanted to engage in discussions – usually politics and technology.
- Why let the hijab get in the way of beauty.
- We could not find any black today.
- More color.
- Mother and daughter. Two generations and two fashions.
- This group called each other in advance to get coordinated.
- Wearing a designer hijab is an art form.
- What kind of world will these children inherit?
- I did not inhale – really!!
- Fashionista. Educated in San Francisco as fashion designer. Iranian women want to express themselves in private with expensive fashionable clothes – and in her case even on the outside.
- Artist at work.
- Tehran stock exchange with 300 listings and cap value of $150 billion.
- Kids are the same everywhere in the world.
- Do we have to agree on everything?
- Persian carpets are not yet out of fashion.
- A little brand adjustment.
- The infamous American Embassy in Tehran.
- Did anyone say sanctions?
- You get the idea…. but only 30 stars.
- Iran has a lot of sand – amazing it is such a productive country.
- Historic and beautiful mosques in abundance.
- Synagogue doors.
- Armenian quarter in Isfahan.
- Business incubator for hi-tech companies – list of names.
- Original urban plans of Persepolis.
- Persepolis after Alexander the Great did some urban planning.
- Students at Persepolis. Students are exposed to their history and literature.
- Persepolis – must have been quite the City in its time.
- Deaf young women at tomb of Cyrus the Great. Note their hands – message at end was “I love you”.
- When a historic bridge meets an environmental controversy you get a dry river bed.
- Persepolis – simply awesome.